Amsterdam, Netherlands: Arrival Experience

Amsterdam Canals Copyright: Ranoo Sharma (@theranoosharma, @platinumtravelgirl) My arrival experience at Amsterdam was undoubtedly eventful. I was a little tired from the long flight, and the long line at immigration didn’t help either. Once I reached the booth, the officer asked the usual questions. As I was a solo traveler, he was a little skeptical, so he asked me for my hotel reservations. You must always have all your documents and bookings in hand. I had a full file of all my planned activities, with tickets neatly stacked in a folder. He flipped through the folder, satisfied, stamped my passport, and I was finally ready to take on Amsterdam after taking on my baggage, of course. I did look into buying a SIM card before my arrival and picking it up at the Amsterdam airport but honestly couldn’t find anything relevant, so my first task after immigration was to hunt for a local SIM card. I was greeted by one of the most vibrant sites to see, the airport had an arra...